We’ve got the AOTV Live Streaming test up and running. Check it out! Leave us a message how your experience goes. Here’s where to go: AOTV Live TEST

Auction Ready!

With the coolness of fall, we are again gearing up for the 18th Annual Auction. As always, we hope you can participate in all the behind the scenes activities needed to have a successful fundraiser. Contact us if you want to help, 978-249-4470 or

On Air Schedule & Bulletin Board

We’ve been having ongoing computer glitches related to the Bulletin Board and the On Air Schedule. The problem has been fixed and you can now see the On Air Schedule and the Bulletin Board on our web site:  We appreciate your patience!

Where’s AOTV on My TV?

Never fear we are still on the air.  We’ve just moved. On the dial, that is!  You can now find us on your digital TV at channels 135-13 and 135-19. But you don’t have a digital TV?  No problem.  Head over to Time Warner Cable and ask them for a Digital...